Did You Get My Free 3 Day Masterclass Yet?
Creating your dream relationship is a journey of finding safety in love. That's why I've put together a 3 day Masterclass to help you in that exploration.

It's my gift to you and you can get access to it right now.
Creating your dream relationship is a journey of finding safety in love. That's why I've put together a 3 day Masterclasss to help you in that exploration.

It's my gift to you and you can get access to it right now.
Katrin with Love
Confidence is the sexiest thing a woman can wear
Makeover In Progress..
My Website Is Getting Pampered!
It's going to be the fresh home of the Liberated & In Love Academy! 

For now, please enjoy all the valuable resources of my original website baby (self-birthed!) AND click here for a beautiful conversation representing the themes we'll be exploring inside The Academy!
Your Path To Feeling
Liberated & In Love
Embodying your glowing and irresistible self starts with finding safety in love
Before you can create the relationship of your dreams, it's key to zoom out and consider your relationship to love itself. Coming back to the basic need for safety sounds simple, right? It has been anything but for most of us! That's why safety in love is where we start. Safety in vulnerability. Safety in expression. 

I invite you to take a closer look at how your early life experiences shaped how you show up in your relationships (and more intimately, in the bedroom!). 

This 3 day Masterclass will support you in that exploration. It's my gift to you and you can get access to it right now.
Value: Absolutely Priceless
Safety In Love is FREE
This 3 Day Masterclass is THE most deep one we've ever had, full of incredibly relatable and raw stories about love and life. Don't be surprised if it feels like a spiritual awakening of sorts - a 'coming back home' to YOUR authentic self.
Hi, I'm Katrin
My guess is that your 24/7 rollercoaster ride between highs and heartbreak has led you here. Your disappointment in the knight-in-shining-armour that those fairy tales promised... The all-is-good-on-the-surface-but-something-is-missing-in-my-life cry for help that has been building up inside you. A longing for the life and freedom you desire, but have at times doubted you deserve...

I applaud you for your bravery with trusting yourself and following the breadcrumb trail here. And I welcome you to your liberation and love life makeover!

I am here to support you in building your legacy WHILE enjoying the relationship and love life of your dreams. Yes! The one in which you get to soften and surrender. 

Here's to your perfect balance of purpose, intimacy and rest!

This space is infused with incredible resources that can help you consciously create your most fulfilling life (a bold claim, I know!). I invite you on a beautiful journey together.
As Seen On...
Receive Love Letters From Me
Want guidance and tips on your love life makeover delivered a little more privately, directly to your mailbox? I'll send you my Safety In Love 3 day Masterclass and our email gossip will only get better from there.
Get Inspired By The Love Diary Blog
With hundreds of blog posts, the Love Diary blog showcases countless real and raw stories that will show you what's possible for you too. 

Search the library to be moved (and humoured) in the best way, on all topics sex, love and relationships. Witness yourself feeling glowing, happy and confident and taking next-level inspired action!
Check Out The Love Recipes
These are all of the journeys that I've put together for you, to support you in feeling Liberated & In Love! To clear trauma and shamelessly romanticise your life in order to create your DREAM life and relationship.

Don't be surprised if you stumble across some deep emotional work there - we are taking a holistic approach with your liberation based in principles that will last you a lifetime. That's to say we're steering clear of any 'bandaid fixes' founded in tips and tactics like '5 Ways To Blow His Mind In Bed And Have Him Retract The Divorce Papers'. You feel me?
On Dilating
On Medical Professionals
2022 Copyright Katrin with Love. All Rights Reserved. 
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